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Notre tête est ronde pour permettre à la pensée de changer de direction
Francis Picabia
Bonne fête aux Happy saints to
Happy new year ! Capsule wishes you all the best for a year that promises to be... lunar!
Big Bang ! The Lunar New Year is today. Climb aboard, Capsule will take you far away. Variation: Contrary to some beliefs, the Great Wall of China cannot be seen from space. On the other hand, we see you.
Facebook celebrates its 228th moon today. Oops sorry, we meant his 19th birthday.
We celebrate love today. A little tour in space with your better half, do you like it? (Watching Star Wars as a couple does it too.)
World Compliment Day, we could not miss the opportunity. Miss and Mister Universe? It's us you.
Pssst. It's Grandmother's Day today, it's not the time to be in the moon!
Special dedication to Valentina Tereshkova, the first female astronaut who in 1963 went into space.
World recycling day, maybe it's our jokes that we should recycle...
The sun dazzles, the stars shine and the moon shines: spring is here
Twitter's singing bird was born 17 years ago to the day. It's the birds, we have the rockets.
Houston, there's a problem. It's World Procrastination Day!
Tik-tok, wind up your clocks, it's summer time!
BREAKING NEWS: NASA has discovered a fish in space! Oh no, sorry for the weather for us, it's only April Fool's Day.
The smallest cold can be dangerous in space... So take care of your health.
Today marks World Earth Day, but Capsule sees beyond. Celebrate the Universe!
At Capsule we don't work, we fuse!
Professional relationships is the concept of LinkedIn created on May 5, 2003. At Capsule, we make them sustainable!
Today we celebrate victory! No, not that of the Jedi, the Armistice of May 8, 1945.
It's Mother's Day today. No need to say more, Miss Universe, it's her. Don't forget to tell him!
Well-being day, By our side, forget gravity, be light!
A dad is like a space suit. Without it, we lack oxygen.
Open your shutters wide, it's the first day of summer :)
Iphones to communication are like the Apollo missions to space: revolutionary!
We are competing with the Tour de France today, we are taking you on a tour of the universe!
Get out the party favors and the trumpets, it's the National Day! We are going to watch the fireworks from up there, see you later.
Anecdote of the day, July 21, 1969 Neil Armstrong walked on the lunar ground for the 1st time
We no longer present it, NASA was born on July 29, 1958
Love is universal. Spread it to your loved ones, it's World Friendship Day!
Ding dong! No, it's not the Big Bang, it's back to school.
Put on your jumpsuit, autumn is here!
For this month of October, we are releasing our Cd by Edith Piaf, and we see life in pink.
12 years ago, Instagram had just been created. One small step for man, one giant leap for communication!
The luckiest may be able to observe today's solar eclipse... For the others, don't worry, Capsule does not eclipse!
Did you know ? The temperature of space is –272°C. This is not a reason for global warming! So let's take care of our climate.
Hot chocolate season in front of a movie is officially open! Ps: we recommend Interstellar, it's cosmic!
We wish you a Merry Christmas, from the entire Capsule team.
Launching the new year in 3, 2, 1...
We are hungry for creativity at Capsule
The day is breaking, the roosters and capsules are singing!
The sun is early, it rises at dawn
Head to breakfast!
Bbbrrr! It's not hot outside, so get on board!
Look up, you'd be amazed at what you might find
Another great day to get your com off
Being in the moon, however, it does not look like Capsule
Enjoy your meal :)
The sun is at its peak, so is our creativity
Are we having a Spouk-nique?
Isn't it time to refuel?
Whether it's windy, raining or snowing, Capsule will make your strategy shine.
How about getting started?
No vacation for your strategy
Propel your com, anyone?
Aperitif time! And that's all year round.
Come on, tonight, Capsule is the treat
Tonight on the menu is a mixed salad: strategy, creativity and above all no turnips
Hold on to dinner time! Yum :)
Are you more raclette or tartiflette?
It's time for your communication to shine now
Capsule puts you in orbit for the night
Towards strategies and media!
Dream your communication, Capsule realizes it
It's time for your communication to shine now
Capsule puts you in orbit for the night
Towards strategies and media!
Dream your communication, Capsule realizes it
On les a envoyés en l'air
Merci à nos clients d’être montés à bord. Ils peuvent en témoigner : atterrissage réussi !
Merci à nos clients d’être montés à bord. Ils peuvent en témoigner : atterrissage réussi !
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